Serendipity's Garden

Celebrating Abundance: Body, Mind & Spirit

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How To Manifest Your Desires in Ease and Joy

“You are a visionary. And of course it is lovely to be an actionary too. But if you will let your vision be real and full and you find full alignment with it before you take action — then the effort that you offer is always joyful, fulfilling, satisfying effort.  

And so, keep telling the “manager” what you want. Not because the manager (called Law of Attraction) needs to hear it, but because every time you talk about it, and every time you come into vibrational harmony with your own desire — you open your vortex of allowing so that the Universe can yield to you a little bit more of what it already knows you want.

You are all working much too hard at all of this. It goes like this: You are wonderful beings. You are blessed beings. You are deserving of Well-being. Well-being is on its way to you. Chill out and let it in. Play more. Do the Hokey Pokey. Someone gave Jerry and Esther a little note: “Wouldn’t it be funny if it turned out that the Hokey Pokey is what it’s all about?” It turns out, it is. It is!”

~ Abraham-Hicks

Do you (like me) ever have the annoying feeling that you really don’t know WHAT you’re supposed to be DOING to create the life of your dreams?  You may have have an initial (or even fully developed) vision of your desired manifestation – whether it’s improved relationships, health and wellness, finances, or creating your perfect business.

I used to spend a lot of time trying to figure out why it was important for me to do the things my ego was telling me I “needed” to do, and what actions I needed to take to get there, so I could be “successful” and “abundant.”   And yet, I was so resistant to those things that I felt I “had” to do that I was essentially stuck and going nowhere.

About a year ago, I was introduced to a powerful, soulful process that allowed me to transform each and every aspect of my life.

Prior to that time I had a clear understanding of the law of attraction, but no way to apply it consistently – and to be mindful of exactly how it was operating in my life.  I began my journey of personal growth around the time my son was born (he’s 20 now) with reading Susan Jeffers’ “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway”, which led to reading a number of books about the law of attraction, and ultimately to Abraham-Hicks amazing teachings.

I was able to manifest some fantastic trips and close friendships, but although I embraced the law of attraction and used affirmations quite successfully in some areas of my life, it seemed that I was unable to establish a healthy financial flow or create harmonious relationships with my children.  I was supporting myself doing work  that was not as satisfying and fulfilling to me as I desired, and I felt I was playing small and not living up to my potential.  I often felt anxious and worried about my children, my finances, and my future.

Since that time, using this process has allowed me to manifest:

  • The  outpouring of support that I received (including an unexpected $700 to  pay for the flight) to be with my son — who survived getting hit by a vehicle traveling 50mph last March;
  • The  opportunity to demonstrate the power of focused intention to my son –   as we went through the day dealing with paperwork & bureaucracy to get him the support he needed…it all went smoothly and easily and even though it didn’t look like it in the morning, he ended up with a check at the end of the day and thanked me for all my efforts on his behalf  and told me how much he enjoyed spending time with me, AND he acknowledged how easily everything flowed, and we talked about  consciously creating that in our lives;
  • Feeling calm and centered and clear about my next steps; prior to using this process I always seemed to be in confusion and overwhelm; this process helped me to focus on the moment, and I began to be more receptive to hearing my inner guidance;
  • Moving to a much brighter and more spacious apartment; I had been living in a very small 2 bedroom apartment and was feeling cramped and unhappy… through the process I became very clear about what it was that I wanted and I manifested a lovely new place with virtually ALL of the details I had visualized;
  • Greater energy and ease; prior to using this process I was frequently anxious and worried, and though I tried very hard to be positive, I always felt as though something was missing (or wrong with me) that I couldn’t seem to manifest what I so desperately wanted.  This process opened my eyes to the ease of manifesting in peace and joy;
  • Vastly improved relationships with my children; prior to using this process I was truly undergoing what felt like parenthood from hell – my 14 year old daughter was staying out all night for days at a time, the police were involved, she was in a youth detention center twice, and our communication was nil.  My son was essentially homeless and feeling desperate in a city 2400 miles away, and I did not have the resources to assist him.  Using this process allowed me to create much better relationships with my children and see them as whole, healthy and happy…trusting that they are on their Divine path and that All is Well.  I am overcome with joy when I reflect on how I have manifested exactly what I envisioned – joyful, uplifting, harmonious relationships with my children (who are now both living in the same city as me);
  • More than anything, increased TRUST and COURAGE to follow my inner guidance/intuition.  Before using this process I was frequently worried, anxious and frustrated, wondering why everyone else was able to manifest their desires – but not me.   The process  has shown me how to access higher guidance and know that no matter what, I am loved, protected and safe.  This process has been the difference in my life that has allowed me to forgive myself for my ‘mistakes’ and appreciate the gifts in every situation, while feeling that I am continually refining my vibrational stance to be in alignment with Source.

I’m going to be honest…it  was challenging to commit to doing the process daily, and sometimes it was challenging to remember to do the process when things seemed to be going really well.

But the process provided me with SO many insights about myself…my  “stories” about my self-worth, talents and abilities surfaced as I used the process daily…that I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t smart enough, wasn’t talented enough, just wasn’t ‘enough’ period – and I believed that was why I was broke, frustrated, and unable to manifest my heart’s desires.   The process blessed me with awareness of how these beliefs affected my life on a day-to-day basis and through this process I was able to release  stories that no longer served me, as I moved into greater alignment with  my true desires.

The outstanding value of of this process is that it is SIMPLE, it creates crystal clarity around your desires, and creates the space to
allow you to recognize exactly how easy it is to create your ideal reality.  This process teaches clarity, commitment, persistence, how to deal with “vagrants” (contrast), and how to effectively tune  into your intuition/Divine guidance.

It’s my honor and pleasure to coach others in the use of this method, because I know that anyone who is willing to commit to the process can create miracles in their life, and we all deserve to have the tools to move closer to our true, Divinely-inspired desires and live the life of our dreams here and now.

My mission is to assist people to re-connect with Source by helping them tune into what  feels GOOD to them, and this process is  is the perfect vehicle for that!

If you are:

  • Feeling frustrated and unfulfilled and stuck  – even though others may consider you ‘successful’?
  • Experiencing grief or loss?
  • Tired of trying and failing with other manifestation methods?
  • Ready for passion & purpose & JOY in your life?
  • Willing to commit yourself to the process of expansion and growth?
  • Wanting to make a positive difference in this world?
  • Feeling your soul’s calling to brilliance and greatness?

If you are ready to learn exactly how to open the vortex of your magnificent manifestations, I’d be delighted to coach you through this truly transformational process that I have personally used to revolutionize every aspect of my life.

In a single month of personal coaching in the use of this process you will experience:

  • Soulful, transformational coaching along the path to manifesting your heart’s desires;
  • Daily support (weekdays)
  • Connection with your inner guidance
  • How to allow yourself to manifest your heart’s desires (improved health, relationships, finances, everything!)

*NOTE: As of May 3rd, 2011, I am currently offering one month of coaching sessions at significantly reduced rates in the initial stages of my coaching practice…I am looking for enthusiastic and committed clients, and I currently have just four spots available at 75% OFF the regular rate!

If you are eager to connect with your JOY, PURPOSE, and PASSION, I’d be happy to schedule a free 20-minute session to answer any questions you may have about the process, me, and whether this is an aligned energetic investment for you…please contact me here:

Carolyn Beale


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Correcting “Energy Habits” to Change Your Life

by Jackie Lapin

Everyone develops “energy habits” during their lives, which determines how we respond to the world. If it is a dark filter through which we view life, then we react to stimulus in a negative fashion. If, however, we view the world with trust, hope and optimism; we act on these positive emotions and will attract positive results. Changing your “energy habits” will change your life.

Do you know a complainer or person that erupts with little provocation? Are you subjected daily to someone always depressed who constantly focuses on the negative side of a situation or gossips without relent about others?

These negative energy habits have consequences:
They attract to the sender negative relationships, ramifications, and a general state of poor health and unhappiness.
Negative energy emissions poison the Earth’s Energy Bank, contributing to a world poverty, dread, loathing and strife.

Because emotions and thoughts are actual energy emissions, transmitting negative or positive energy imprints our future on the Universe. Today, quantum physics is proving that our emotions and thoughts have a powerful influence on the future. What we think is manifested, thus we are Consciously Creating.

It is essential to construct positive energy habits if you want a happy, healthy, empowering existence. More importantly, positive energy habits create a world of abundance, peace, compassion, love, and environmental balance that we all desire.

So how do we create positive energy habits? Here are some suggestions:
Be aware of instinctual thoughts and reactions, and how those thoughts and reactions will likely return to you. On a sheet of paper list all of your negative energy habits. Then go back and identify positive energy habits to replace the negative. Now make those positive energy habits your default trait. Note the energy habits of others. Emulate the positive ones and use the bad to remind yourself of how you don’t want to react.

Catch yourself in the act of emitting energy, and then decide if that habit is one you want to continue. If positive, change to the new habit — and pat yourself on the back the first couple times you execute the new trait. Be sure to also forgive yourself if you fall back occasionally to old ways.
Diplomatically help others eradicate negative energy habits and institute positive ones.

Notice how your positive energy habits impact others. Don’t be surprised if new, uplifting friends come along, and old chums are happier around you.

You’re on the path to manifesting a better future. Just think how your new way of thinking positively impacts the Universe, planet and all its inhabitants! Your new positive energy habits are like a balm on the world …a soothing ointment making everything better.

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of “The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World.” Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor.

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An Affirmation Formula for Intentionally Raising Your Vibration

Less than a week until All Hallow’s Eve…I bet there are a few ghosts and goblins haunting your neck of the woods, waiting for the big day.

Great news! A special event you don’t want to miss…
You have probably heard that researchers say we only use about 10% of our brain, a very low number!  Imagine the amazing things we could accomplish if we tapped into the other 90% of our brain?  Or even if were able to utilize even 20% of our brains?  Powerful thought, isn’t it?
So, the other day my friend and colleague Anisa Aven emailed to let me know that she (along with 11 others!) is taking part in this fantastic Law of Attraction eventClick Here

They are hosting a twelve week teleseminar series on the Law of Attraction.  They’ve lined up twelve of the leading law of attraction experts to teach us how to attract serious wealth and prosperity into our lives.Now here is the best part about the series, it doesn’t cost a thing to listen to the calls!  So of course I’ve signed up for the 12 week series, and I’d love to ‘see’ you there as well.  Click on the link below to check it out:Click Here

On another note, I’m excited to be doing some advertising on (if you decide to apply – it’s F*RE*E – please let them know I referred you!) and also with  As always, my appreciation to YOU for sharing this journey with me!

See below for an article from Anisa Aven on ‘An Affirmation Formula for Intentionally Raising Your Vibration’… Enjoy!  Wishing you a peaceful, productive, and joyous week!



“The strongest single factor in prosperity consciousnessis self-esteem: believing you can do it, believing


you deserve it, believing you will get it.”~ Jerry Gillies, Author and workshop leader


An Affirmation Formula for Intentionally Raising Your Vibration by Anisa Aven


Here’s an affirmation formula that I’ve developed for my clients that literally walks you up the vibrational map, from negativity to peace.My formula was inspired by Dr. David Hawkin’s monumental work (Levels of Human Consciousness) in his book, Power VS. Force. I’ve indicated the level of consciousness (LoC) of each step to the right below. Without getting into too much detail here, let me just state that 200, the level of courage, is the first positive level of consciousness.Anything less than a consciousness level of 200, and what you really want CANNOT manifest. Therefore, use this formula to walk yourself up from a consciousness that is unproductive and limiting to a consciousness (and vibration) that actually has the energetic potential to create what you really want in your life.


I’ve applied the formula to the “negative environment” situation below. As you’re reading the following, notice how the affirmations literally alter your energy from a weaker attractor field (frustration) to a stronger attractor field (joy and peace) with each step.


“What do I want?” What do I believe this “desire” will give to me that I don’t now have, or that I want more of?

EXAMPLE: “I want to feel better. I want to experience Peace in my home. I want LOVE, COMPASSION, and OPTIMISM. I want harmony now!”


Put your foot down! Refuse to put any further attention upon negative, limited, or self-righteous thoughts that only add to the problem.

EXAMPLE: “That’s it!!!! I’ve had enough! I put my foot down on my part in this problem. I put my foot down on negative thoughts. I refuse to engage in the negativity from this point forward.”


Muster your courage and be proud of yourself.

EXAMPLE: “I am proud of myself. I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to. If there has ever been anyone on this planet that has done this before, then I can do it too. I AM Courageous. I AM Bold. I courageously do what needs to be done with zest and enthusiasm. I courageously and openly choose to face whatever may be necessary to create health, vitality, peace and harmony NOW! I choose to be courageously intentional with my thoughts.”


Breathe in a willingness to be open, make mistakes, and be accepting and SurRender to the Divine Order of life.

EXAMPLE: “I AM willing to get it wrong. I AM willing to make mistakes; take risks; screw things up. I AM willing to have this be easy. I AM Willing to do what needs to be done. I AM willing to focus on the positive. I AM willing to be responsible for all of my experiences from this point forward. I AM neutral. I confidently surrender to the Divine Order of life, and whatever happens, happens for a reason. I choose to be at Peace with it, now and from this point forward. I SurRender to the worst case scenario – if that happens, so be it – I’ll survive. I SurRender to the best case scenario – if that happens, so be it – I’ll survive. I AM Willing. I AM Neutral. I completely and totally trust in the Divine Plan and let it go now!”


What you want is already yours – accept it, now.

EXAMPLE: “I choose to put my attention on the experience of PEACE in my home. I intend to feel at peace no matter what my external circumstances. I choose Love. I intend to be LOVING even when those around me cannot choose it. I choose JOY. I intend to be joyous even in the face of negativity. I choose compassion. I intend to be compassionate at all cost. I accept Peace now. I live the essence of peace in all that I do. I accept Peace as my experience now. I anticipate it. I embrace it. I now SEE joy in my home. I now SEE LOVE all around me. I now SEE PEACE. I expect this to be my experience from this point forward. I trust that it is a SURE THING. I trust the Universe to deliver PEACE to me now and I anticipate it fully. Reason tells me that the Universal Law of Attraction works in ALL cases, therefore if I want it, and allow it – it is. I embrace this truth now and let it go. Reason also tells me that the Universe is impartial; therefore, if it has ever been created by anyone else on this planet then it is now manifesting for me as well. I embrace this and stand strong on the scientifically proven truth that like energy seeks like energy. I therefore accept Peace in my home and I embrace PEACE as my primary mode of operation. I AM Peace, therefore I experience Peace. ”


Supercharge your vibration and desire with gratitude and the ultimate vibration of love.

EXAMPLE: “I am grateful to now completely and totally experience peace in my home and with my family. Joy fills my heart and I revel in the overflow of love that permeates my every experience. I am sublime. I see where I can express and share love and I do so easily now. I am loving. I am joyous. I am grateful.”

This 6-tiered formula can be applied in any situation and especially when you KNOW you’re really ready to transcend lower level negativity. It was designed to take our energy (the vibrational attractor field that we are presently engaged in) and intentionally walk us up to a stronger, more powerful and intentional attractor field; one more in alignment with what we really want.

Most instructions for “affirmations” suggest simply saying, “I already have this.” This instruction still applies IF you can sincerely believe what you’re affirming. However, the reason most people have little to no success with affirmations is because they simply by-pass their true beliefs and feelings about a subject and their vibration simply can’t jump the canyon!

Affirmations are powerful tools for manifesting your dreams. When used to change a belief like in the above example, they become one of the most powerful provisions we have for rapid growth and personal fulfillment.

Peace reigns supreme, now!

© Copyright, 2008, CreataVision Enterprises and Anisa Aven, all rights reserved.

Author Bio:

Receive Anisa’s FREE Conscious Creation 101: a 5-part e-course on the basics of Manifesting when you register for the Creative Manifesting ezine. Read more about manifesting and conscious creation by visiting Creative Manifesting and Manifesting Prosperity.

“The stream will carry you. All you’ve got to do, is let go of the oars. All you’ve got to do is stop the resistance, which means stop the justifying, stop the defending, stop the haranguing, stop the incessant complaining, stop beating the drum of what you don’t want. But most important, make a decision that you care how you feel. And don’t be willing to put up with feelings that don’t feel good.It’s amazing how willing you are to feel so much worse than you really should feel. The movies you choose. The things you watch on television. The things you say about each other! The disrespect that you have for yourself! … You use so many excuses to separate yourself from Who You Are.We want to enliven you to the conscious awareness that you’re supposed to feel good. And that Who You Really Are DOES feel really good. We want you to feel the thrill bumps and the goose bumps that are always present when you come into alignment. We want you to feel the clarity and stamina and vigorous nature of your being.”
~ Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks, Washington DC, 10-20-07



“Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.”

~ John Petit-Senn


Using the Power of Your Mind To Create Positive Change

I hope this post finds you thriving and getting outside in nature to enjoy some beautiful weather.

The 30-Day Prosperity Experiment continues…and I’m loving every minute of it!  Playing this game has created definite energy shifts, and I am noticing and recording the positive evidence that continues to flow into my life as a result.

This ezine includes an article on how to use affirmations so that they actually work, and using a Living Vision to attract and create your ideal body.

Here’s to (as Abraham would say) getting tuned in, tapped in, turned on!


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An Affirmation Works When It Feels Good
To Think It
by Lorraine Faehndrich
There are many who teach the importance of thinking positive thoughts.   Millions of people are using positive affirmations to feel good and create the life of their dreams.  For many it works easily and for others there is a missing link between their reading or saying of affirmations and actually manifesting what they are saying.  Why is that?

Have you ever read an affirmation and noticed that it kind of irritated you?  Instead of feeling positive when you read your positive affirmation you actually felt a little annoyed that it wasn’t working after saying it for so long, or you noticed the contrast between how you actually felt when you read it and what the affirmation said and you felt discouraged.   You thought, “This doesn’t work.”  Well, that feeling is actually an indication that that particular phrase or affirmation, or something about how you are thinking about it, is NOT working for you.

Instead of bringing you closer to what you want it is actually introducing resistance into your energy field and for the moment it is blocking off the good that you want to allow.

So, what is the secret to successfully using affirmations or reminders to create the life you want to create?  The affirmation must make you Feel Good, or at least better, when you read it.

Why is Feeling Good (or better) so important?

When you Feel Good it is an indication that you are allowing who you are to flow through you.  We are all source energy and source energy has a high vibration.  You can recognize this vibration when you feel love and appreciation.  When you feel love and appreciation it is an indication that you are letting who you are flow through you with no resistance.  The better you feel, the less resistance you have.  It is that energy resistance that is blocking off what we want in our lives.

When you read an affirmation and it brings you relief or it makes you Feel Good it means that that particular phrase or statement, or how you are thinking about it has decreased your resistance and is therefore allowing more of who you are and what you want to flow through you and into your life.  Alternatively we can say that the good feeling is an indication of a higher vibration.  According to the law of attraction, that higher vibration (or feeling) will attract matching vibrations (or feelings) into your experience.  When you feel love and appreciation you attract love and loving people into your experience.

When you feel abundant you attract abundance.  So, when you feel good, not only do you have the benefit of feeling good, you are allowing everything you want into your life – all those good feeling, high vibration emotions, people, and experiences are coming your way!

Why are blisscals called Thoughts that Feel Good?

The phrases on our blisscals have been chosen to remind you of what the deepest part of you already knows…that you live in an abundant universe, that you are source energy, that you are love, and that all is well.  When you think these thoughts, that are in alignment with who you are, you Feel Good!

Of course, you must choose the phrases that make YOU feel good when you think them, and this can change over time (which is why it is so great that blisscals are static cling and can be changed or moved around).  Remember, an affirmation only works when it feels good to think it!  When you see your blisscal hanging over your kitchen sink or in your rearview mirror, it will be a reminder to you from your higher self of who you are and how you want to feel.  It will remind you that you are Thriving, that Life Works, that all you have to do is Imagine, Believe, and Receive and that All Is Well.  These thoughts will bring you relief. They will put a smile on your face and in your heart. They will make you feel good.  And, in feeling good you are allowing everything into your life that you want.  You are Creating Bliss….with Thoughts that Feel Good.
Copyright 2008 Creating Bliss

Author Bio:
Lorraine Faehndrich, creator of Blisscals and owner of Creating Bliss, is taking positive thought to new heights. Inspired by the Law of Attraction, Lorraine is helping people create a life of bliss simply by keeping words, thoughts and phrases that feel good at the forefront of thought. Blisscals are a unique and powerful reminder that the words we see, think and speak reflect back to us and impact profoundly on the way we feel and what we create. For more info, or to sign up for Lorraine’s f*ree Creating Bliss newsletter, please click here.

“What is without us has no connection with happiness, only so far as the preservation of our lives and health depends upon it…. Happiness springs immediately from the mind.”

~ Benjamin Franklin

Want To Use The Power of Your Mind to Lose Weight? by Anisa Aven
Enjoy the following visualization as a guide to create your own Living Visions:

This Living Vision is just one of the resources found in the Get Fit and Fabulous with the Power of EFT & LOA class (click here for more information.)

I am so grateful to now fully experience the presence of spirit within, the calm, centered, harmonious and in-tune presence that supports me in constantly appreciating and enjoying my life and my body fully and graciously. I am

blessed with the gift of loving and appreciating my body, mind and soul. I am blessed with the feeling of optimal health, wellness, and physical fitness. Why is it that when I look in the mirror, I see a beautiful, fit, trim and healthy being? Why is it that I have the good fortune of having exceptional metabolism? I am grateful to have the kind of metabolism that others envy; the kind that will
operate fully and optimally for all the days of my life! I give thanks for my healthy eating habits. Why do I feel so inspired to eat more vegetables, fruit, whole-grains and live food each and every day? Why do I find it so easy to
enjoy more raw, whole, organic and of the Earth foods each and every day? I look at what I am inspired to eat and I am so very proud of myself. I am fit, trim, strong and committed to my health. I drink healthy, clean water and flush my system with ease and exuberance.

Why is it that I always drink more than enough water to maintain beautiful skin and a healthy, well lubricated and alkaline body? Why do I love drinking water throughout the day and find it so refreshing and easy to do? I enjoy planning my healthy meals and look forward to taking healthy food with me, where ever I go. I know that my commitment is strong and my courageous actions are inspired from a genuine path of wholeness and I am grateful.

I am also so very appreciative of how much I love to move my body! Why do I love exercising so much? Why do I crave movement, exercise and activities that burn fat and maintain my optimal cardio fitness? I look forward to moving my body and I seek ways to get active each and every day. I find it pure joy to exercise, jump, run, play, and work up a glorious sweat on a regular basis. Why is it that I find it so easy to commit to a routine; a routine that is simply a part of my every day existence? I thoroughly enjoy exercising and find myself thinking, scheduling, and making time for a daily fitness routine that keeps my body healthy and strong! And, why is it that I have more than enough time, energy, and intention to exercise regularly and still get everything else done in perfect Divine order?

Why is it that I appreciate my path and my journey so fully?  I look back at my past and I am so fortunate to see a person who has always found it easy to maintain their optimal health, weight, and physical fitness. Why has this always been so easy for me? Why has eating healthy and exercising regularly always been so easy for me too? I guess I’m just fortunate to have the inner strength, commitment, courage, motivation, and simple desire to constantly choose the best for me! Why do I feel so deserving and capable? Wow, I am so thankful that it’s just me! I am deserving, strong, capable, and worthy of excellent health!

And, you know what else? I don’t know why this is – but I find it so easy to drop any extra weight faster than anyone else I know! And, it’s healthy the way my body does it.  Why is it so easy for me to drop extra weight effortlessly and quickly? It’s as if I blink my eyes, eat a few extra apples, and work out a couple of times and poof – I’m trimmer, slimmer, firmer, and weighing my optimal weight so effortlessly and quickly!

I love what I see in the mirror! I deeply and completely honor myself and accept that I am worthy of all that I desire now. I give thanks for all this and more. So Be it! It is done!

© Copyright, 2008, CreataVision Enterprises and Anisa Aven, all rights reserved.
Author Bio:
Receive Anisa’s FREE Conscious Creation 101: a 5-part e-course on the basics of Manifesting when you register for the Creative Manifesting ezine.  Read more about manifesting and conscious creation by visiting Creative Manifesting and Manifesting Prosperity.

I Am the Attractor of My Every Experience.

“You are meant to live an expansive, exhilarating, good-feeling experience. It was your plan when you made the decision to become focused in your physical body in this time-space reality. You were born knowing that you are a powerful Being; that you are good; that you are the creator of your experience, and that the Law of Attraction (the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn) is the basis of the Universe, and you knew it would
serve you well. And so it has.”

From Abraham-Hicks 
Money and the Law of Attraction…Learning to Attract Wealth, Health and Happiness.

“There are many aspects to success; material wealth is only one component. …But success also includes good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being, and peace of mind.”

~ Deepak Chopra