Serendipity's Garden

Celebrating Abundance: Body, Mind & Spirit

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Correcting “Energy Habits” to Change Your Life

by Jackie Lapin

Everyone develops “energy habits” during their lives, which determines how we respond to the world. If it is a dark filter through which we view life, then we react to stimulus in a negative fashion. If, however, we view the world with trust, hope and optimism; we act on these positive emotions and will attract positive results. Changing your “energy habits” will change your life.

Do you know a complainer or person that erupts with little provocation? Are you subjected daily to someone always depressed who constantly focuses on the negative side of a situation or gossips without relent about others?

These negative energy habits have consequences:
They attract to the sender negative relationships, ramifications, and a general state of poor health and unhappiness.
Negative energy emissions poison the Earth’s Energy Bank, contributing to a world poverty, dread, loathing and strife.

Because emotions and thoughts are actual energy emissions, transmitting negative or positive energy imprints our future on the Universe. Today, quantum physics is proving that our emotions and thoughts have a powerful influence on the future. What we think is manifested, thus we are Consciously Creating.

It is essential to construct positive energy habits if you want a happy, healthy, empowering existence. More importantly, positive energy habits create a world of abundance, peace, compassion, love, and environmental balance that we all desire.

So how do we create positive energy habits? Here are some suggestions:
Be aware of instinctual thoughts and reactions, and how those thoughts and reactions will likely return to you. On a sheet of paper list all of your negative energy habits. Then go back and identify positive energy habits to replace the negative. Now make those positive energy habits your default trait. Note the energy habits of others. Emulate the positive ones and use the bad to remind yourself of how you don’t want to react.

Catch yourself in the act of emitting energy, and then decide if that habit is one you want to continue. If positive, change to the new habit — and pat yourself on the back the first couple times you execute the new trait. Be sure to also forgive yourself if you fall back occasionally to old ways.
Diplomatically help others eradicate negative energy habits and institute positive ones.

Notice how your positive energy habits impact others. Don’t be surprised if new, uplifting friends come along, and old chums are happier around you.

You’re on the path to manifesting a better future. Just think how your new way of thinking positively impacts the Universe, planet and all its inhabitants! Your new positive energy habits are like a balm on the world …a soothing ointment making everything better.

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of “The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World.” Sign up at to learn how you can become a master manifestor.